Managed to get a few oak trees cut down over the weekend and sawn into millable sections. Kyle came over to help load and I milled some 2″ live edge slabs, as well as some 5/4 and 6/4 boards. Hindsight being what it is, a mill should have been my first purchase for the farm. Being able to mill your own lumber for use on projects or sales for income has been hugely beneficial for Kyle, and he’s nice enough to let me use it when I need.

Managed to get a few oak trees cut down over the weekend and sawn into millable sections. Kyle came over to help load and I milled some 2″ live edge slabs, as well as some 5/4 and 6/4 boards. Hindsight being what it is, a mill should have been my first purchase for the farm. Being able to mill your own lumber for use on projects or sales for income has been hugely beneficial for Kyle, and he’s nice enough to let me use it when I need.

The trees also provided 2-3 face cords of lumber that is about 50% split. Just need to finish it and stack it for next winter.